If you are looking for a hidden gem in the online dating world, OkCupid might be the one. It's a popular dating site that's completely free, and offers some really great social features. It's a mix between social fun and online dating, and everyone who I've asked about it really loves the site. And it gets results too. I've been on several online dates via OkCupid and it does a really good job of matching you with people you would want to date.
Signing Up To OkCupid
OkCupid has a relatively straightforward and quick signup process. Unlike other dating sites, like Plenty of Fish for example, you don't have to go through a lengthy form to create an account. All you need to enter is some basic information like your birthdate, gender, location, username and password and you're good to go.
Completing Your Profile
Once signed in, you can complete the rest of your profile. The first thing you will want to do is upload a photo of yourself. Choose a decent one so your potential dates can see what you look like. Your photo is probably the most important thing to get prospective daters to take a look at your profile more closely.
You should then fill out your actual profile in more detail. OkCupid has several different free-form sections to fill out like, "Self-Summary", "What I'm doing with my life", "I'm really good at...", and "The six things I could never do without". The more detailed you are here, the better chance there is of someone looking at your profile and sparking their interest. I know a lot of people are too lazy to fill out these things. But it's definitely worth doing! The more interesting things you share, the more people are going to contact you.

As you fill out each of these individual fields, OkCupid keeps track of the % of your profile filled out. Try to reach a 100% for optimal results!
Finding Matches on OkCupid
As you browse around OkCupid, you'll notice various match questions you can answer. There's usually 3 parts to these match questions. First, you need to give your own answer. Then you'll need to give the answer you want to see from your ideal match. Third you need to say how important you think that question is to. This lets OkCupid better match you to users it thinks you'll like. The more questions you answer, the better results you will get. Even better you can also create your own Match questions as well.

OkCupid has a very good search capability. There are lots of different targeting options so you can drill down and find potential matches. Next to each match, you'll see a Match % to see how closely a member matches up to you. There's also a friend and enemy % displayed next to each, although I'm unclear how they are calculated.
QuickMatch is a cool OkCupid feature for finding matches. You'll be shown a profile that OkCupid thinks will match with you and you can rate their profile to find out their username. It's a really quick way to browse through profiles to find potential matches.

All in all, I think OkCupid is one of my top dating sites. It has tons of great, fun features and it's totally free. If you take the time on the site to fill out your profile and answer as many Match questions as you can, I think you can really find your match on the site. So definitely check it out and create an account.
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